

"Chamo-me Federica Brognara e sou estudante italiana do Politécnico de Turim. Em Outubro próximo vou acabar o meu percurso de estudos de mestrado em Engenharia de Produção Industrial e da Inovação Tecnológica . Durante os cincos anos de curso, onde tive a oportunidade de estudar em profundidade o setor de produção industrial, percebi a importância de fortalecer a relação entre economia, política e meio ambiente. A indústria, como nós sabemos, é uma das maiores fontes de rendimento, e ninguém quer desistir desta porque cria muitos postos de trabalho. É portanto essencial seguir o caminho no sentido de um desenvolvimento sustentável : desenvolvimento que satisfaz as necessidades do presente sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações futuras satisfazerem as suas próprias necessidades. Como podemos sensibilizar as pessoas neste sentido? Através da Educação Ambiental. E esta é a razão que me trouxe aqui a Aveiro para colaborar com a ASPEA  no projeto Quinta Ecológica da Moita. 
Mais especificamente, eu tenho o objetivo de demonstrar que as energias renováveis podem ser a nossa única fonte de energia, ao contrário do que as companhias petrolíferas querem que acreditemos.
Com a QEM estamos a trabalhar no projeto "Parque Pedagógico das Energias Renováveis", que visa explicar a adultos e crianças como funcionam a energia solar, a energia eólica, a energia hidráulica e a energia da biomassa. 
O Parque será composto por um destilador solar, um forno solar parabólico, um forno solar  comunitário, um frigorífico lunar, um duche a biomassa, um painel solar térmico, um carro solar e uma turbina eólica. 
Além deste projeto, existem muitos outros projetos em paralelo, como por exemplo a limpeza da  mata, tornar as Hortas Familiares e Comunitárias ativas, construir novas instalações para as atividades de educação ambiental e fornecer energia à QEM através de fontes renováveis. 
Há muito trabalho a fazer, e a maior parte é feito por voluntários e estagiários como eu, por isso quero enfatizar a boa vontade, a disponibilidade, e o bom coração das pessoas que trabalham comigo na Quinta Ecológica da Moita."
Federica Brognara
"Even if I had the opportunity to work in collaboration with Quinta Ecologica da Moita for only 3 weeks, it was enough to see that QEM is a blooming place, with lots of opportunities for local participation in terms of cultural, environmental, scientific and artistic projects. Personally, I organized a theater improvisation evening in the farm's bamboo forest. The atmosphere and the dynamic of this place is just great! I also participated in a holistic gymnastics session by my colleague and a presentation of a multi-sensory path throughout the farm by another intern. Moreover, I joined meetings about the farm and met other volunteers and workers. All in all, I got the feeling that if you have a creative idea or a personal project you would like to realize in the farm, promoting local participation and activity in the area, the people there are more than willing to discuss and help you develop it. This is why I believe that QEM and its nature have high potentials for evolving into a center of various activities and a meeting point of many professions and nationalities."

Niki Milini




“I had stayed 3 months in Aspea Aveiro. During this experience I discovered both different people and learned new skills.  I studied engineering but I had to create and manage the "Quinta Ecològica da Moita" website and make a crowdfunding campaign to develop this farm. Even if I had never done this kind of tasks, I had never been alone. This permits to improve your CV with an interesting experience. To conclude, I would like to leave a message to the foreign volunteers : don't worry if you don't speak portuguese, all the people in Aspea speak well english and also french ! :) »

Nicolas G.
Misia Łukasiewicz
« In Poland I work in two associations, the first of them is called “The Green Neighborhood”, and the main goal is really similar to ASPEA. It was interesting for me to compare how two organizations work, and I really appreciate how many activities the team in Lisbon undertake. I’m really glad that I could be part of these ideas. What was also interesting for me was to observe how works the association Monsanto Activo every day. This association has headquarters in the same building as ASPEA. In my country I belong to a group of mountain guides and we try to encourage people to outdoor activities. So our objective and way of working was similar and we could share experiences. The best thing that happened to me during my internship was my participation in the CEI conference, as an organizer, teacher and member. It was 5 days of very intensive work,  learning how  to work in an international team, time for sharing ideas and being open to students from all of the world. Another thing that was amazing for me was how looked the office of the association (because if you don’t know there are a lot of useful things, materials and documents), but it remains my workplace and let me feel like at home. What will I remember after my internship in ASPEA? It will be Monsanto Park with cork trees and a lot of nature around and the people which I have met and worked with.  »
Misia ŁukasiewiczA Misia ŁukasiewiczB
Misia Łukasiewicz
 Flavie Guiselin
«My name is Flavie, I’m French and I’ve been volunteering in ASPEA-Aveiro over 6 month. Those 6 month were very interesting and have been the opportunity to learn a lot of things. I used to work on the project Quinta Ecologica da Moita, which means to become a very great environmental education center. The Quinta has a great potential. It’s a very beautiful spot, and very interesting, because of its biodiversity, its location, near of city center of Aveiro, and mostly, because of the good people working for the development of the project. This volunteering has been an important experience, from a professional and human point of view. 
Besides having acquired and developed professional skills, I met there beautiful people, involved in the project and doing everything to develop it. I felt instantly integrated in the team and trusted in my ability to be autonomous and responsible. The obstacle of the language existed, I can not deny, but the great communication with the team was ensured by our common capacity to speak english. I am very happy of this experience, and I advise and exhort people to experiment as well a volunteering, in ASPEA. You won’t regret it ! » 
Flavie Guiselin Solá 
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